The End

I cannot believe that it has only been three days since the finale of LOST had aired. It feels like a lifetime ago when Jack “let go” and was able to move on. For the last couple of days i have been doing a lot of thinking about the finale and the more i think about it, the more i loved it. While i sat and watched the finale i was loving every minute of it. I loved the action, mythology and adventure. I loved every single reunion. But the whole time I had this suspicion that things were too … Continue reading The End

The Best Night of My Life

A while back, Stevi and I were invited by Beth and Jorge to be their guests to The Lost Symphony at Royce Hall on the UCLA campus. The event was to celebrate the show LOST and the music of academy award winning composer Michael Giacchino. As you may know, i am a huge fan of film music, have been my whole life, but more importantly i have been a fan of Michael Giacchino since 1999’s Medal of Honor. The fact that this was a film score event as well as a LOST even, this was definitely two worlds that i … Continue reading The Best Night of My Life